Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday's Recipe

Heat broiler. Remove seeds from an unpeeled 1 lb butternut squash half. Cut into 1/4"-thick slices and put on baking sheet lined with nonstick foil. Coat with cooking spray. Broil squash 5" from heat, turning, until golden brown, 9 min. Let cool. Whisk together 2 Tbsp sherry vinegar, 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 Tbsp honey, and 2 tsp Dijon mustard in large bowl. Add 4 cups baby spinach, 1 cup torn radicchio, 1/4 cup feta crumbles, and 3 Tbsp toasted pumpkin seeds. Toss salad and stack between squash slices on 4 plates.

Serves 4.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Benefits Of Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a member of the gourd family which includes other members like melon, pumpkin, and cucumber. It is generally considered to be a fruit as it contains seeds. When the fruit is cut through its pale, beige yellow hard skin, you can discover the vibrant flesh which is quite denser than other members of the same family. The fruit is extremely rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. This luscious and juicy fruit is a perfect add-on to an autumn meal. There are numerous advantages of including this fruit in your diet a few of which are:
1.Boosts up the body immunity.
The deep, golden color of the fruit indicates that it is full of carotenes. This is a kind of an antioxidant which help to reduce the danger of occurrence of many life-threatening conditions. They enhance the general immunity of the body to fight diseases.
2.Provides fiber to the body.
Addition of fiber to the diet helps easing the entire digestive process. This is because fiber induces proper bowel movement and keeps the body away from digestive disorders like constipation. Fiber is also good for the health of the gastrointestinal system.
3.Low in fats.
The low content of fats in the food helps to maintain body weight. It also lower the risk of fatal diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
4.Provides essential potassium to the body.
The fruit is rich in potassium-a mineral that is essentially required by the body. Electrolyte potassium, when added to the body through natural sources help to reduce the blood pressure. It is also beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular and the nervous systems.
5.Relives pain in arthritis.
Natural intake of potassium helps to reduce stiffness and pain in joint due to arthritis. It is thus identified as a natural pain reliever. The consumed potassium is stored in the body muscles and helps to relieve pain due to headaches and migraines. Potassium is also believed to cure cuts and bruises.
6.Benefits for developing fetus.
Butternut squash contains rich amounts of folate, which is extremely important for the development of brain, spinal-cord and other parts of the nervous system.
7.Provide Omega-3 Fatty Acids to the bodyThe fruit is extremely rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids- a compound that helps prevent strokes and heart attacks in people suffering from coronary artery disease. Intake of this compound lowers the risk of heart diseases, arthritis and cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

8.Helps in better absorption of calcium.Butternut squash contains good quantities of mineral magnesium. Regular intake of magnesium in your diet helps improves the absorption of calcium in the body, thus building strong teeth and bones.
Butternut squash has a lengthy shelf life and can stay fresh for about three months when it is stored at a temperature of 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Have You Cleansed Lately?

Just like we change the oil in our car, Whole-Body Nutritional Cleansing is vital for our bodies to function at their utmost.
Whether you’re looking for vibrant energy, a way to jump-start your weight-loss and health journey or you just want to mix up your routine, everyone can benefit from experiencing regular, once weekly Cleanse Days. Or, cleanse every day by taking 1 ounce of Cleanse for Life® for extra benefits!
So what does a Cleanse Day look like? Here’s a sample schedule you can follow. (We’ll use Monica as an example):
Monica’s Cleanse Day Schedule & Diary
6 a.m. Wake up and stretch
6:30 a.m.- 7 a.m. Yoga
7:30 a.m. First cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.) Take 1 capsule Natural Accelerator with big glass of water along with A.M. packet of Ageless Essentials™ Daily Pack with Product B™ for Women.
9 a.m. Added one scoop of Ionix® Supreme powder to my water bottle for a nice boost.
10 a.m. Feeling a bit hungry. Ate two chocolate Isagenix Snacks!™ wafers
Noon Second cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.) 
1 p.m. Craving a little something. Enjoyed 1 piece of IsaDelight Plus™. (Some days I’ll do two of these. :))
2 p.m. Third cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.)
3:30 p.m. Feeling a bit hungry again. Took 1 capsule of Natural Accelerator and had two chocolate Isagenix Snacks!™
5:30 p.m. Making dinner for the family. Take my P.M. packet of Ageless Essentials with Product B.
6 p.m. Fourth and final cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.)
7 p.m. Reading and want a snack. Grab two chocolate Isagenix Snacks! to round out the day.
8 p.m. Take two IsaFlush® capsules with a big glass of water.
10 p.m. Bedtime! (I’ll weigh in first thing in the morning to check out my results and then call my coach!)
And remember, you don’t have to be just like Monica. Schedule your Cleanse Day as you see fit, but be sure to stick with the products so you can get the most out of your Cleanse Day!
To try the 30-Day System and experience weight management results AND fuel youthful aging in your telomeres at a cellular level, order the Total Health & Longevity System™ with Product B™.
So what are you waiting for? Plan your Cleanse Day now and aim to do one every week so you can beat the extra pounds and calories this holiday season!
Visit your Back Office “My Orders” section to add the Total Health & Longevity System to your next order.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Five reasons to eat heart-healthy concord grapes

Dark purple concord grapes are rich in antioxidants and can help keep your immune system healthy heading into cold and flu season. Try them in this healthy Waldorf salad.

Remember peanut butter and grape-jelly sandwiches? As much as the kid in you loves grapes for being delicious, the adult in you should love what they do for your health. Concord grapes actually have the power to keep us youthful because they contain high concentrations of antioxidants that protect our skin, brain and heart from inflammation and aging.  

It's funny that we joke that having someone peel our grapes for us is a luxury, because the healthiest part of the grape is the skin, which is packed with not one but 19 different types of health-supporting nutrients. 

Here are five big reasons to enjoy concord grapes, in season right now:

1. Decrease blood pressure with concord grapes:
Concord grapes contain many flavonoids, including resveratrol, which can help decrease blood pressure by improving the fluidity of the blood. Resveratrol alsorelaxes the arterial walls to allow adequate circulation and decrease the pressure in the arteries.

2. Concord grapes are anti-inflammatory: Concord grapes contain a variety of polyphenols that can reduce the inflammatory response in the body. These grapes also have the antioxidant ability to mop up free radicals in the body and keep you looking younger, longer.

3. Eat grapes to stay sharp: Many degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, begin with the accumulation of certain proteins and foreign bodies in the brain. Concord grapes have been shown to prevent the accumulation of these potentially harmful substances. This helps keep your brain sharp and your nervous system healthy.

4. Boost your immunity with concord grapes: Concord grapes have been shown to increase the production of the cells in our body that fight off disease and foreign invaders. Boosting these natural killer cells and T-cells will keep your immune system in tip-top shape during the upcoming cold and flu season.

5. Concord grapes maintain healthy breast tissue: Concord grapes contain resveratrol, which protects the DNA in our cells against mutations that occur. Studies show that resveratrol is specifically beneficial in protecting breast tissue from the mutations that can take place in certain breast cancers.

Concord Waldorf salad
Waldorf salad is often served with a creamy dressing, but in this incredibly healthy version, the sweetness of the grapes speaks for itself. Walnut oil is a source of omega 3 fatty acids that augment the heart and brain benefits of the grapes.

2 cups red apples, diced
2 cups green apples, diced
4 stalks celery, diced
2 cups concord grapes, seedless
1 cup walnuts
4 tablespoons walnut oil
2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt

1.   Toss together the apples, celery, grapes, and walnuts in a large bowl; set aside. 

2.   In a small bowl, whisk together the walnut oil, apple cider vinegar and salt. 

3.   Toss together and serve.
Makes six servings

Friday, September 23, 2011

How Does Want More Energy Support a Total Health and Wellness Lifestyle?

By providing energy and replenishment during and after exercise, Want More Energy supports the physical exercise component of a total health and wellness lifestyle. You can also add a small amount of Want More Energy to your water during Cleanse Days to add extra taste and a boost of energy.

Can My Kids Drink Want More Energy?

Absolutely. Want More Energy is a tasty alternative to sugary juices and sodas.  (Our kids love it)
Click here to learn more about Isagenix Want More Energy.   Try out the new Tropical Fruit and Hibiscus.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

By Dr. Michael Colgan

On average, high quality milk is 27 percent protein, 37 percent lactose (milk sugar), and 30 percent fat.  The remaining 6 percent is calcium, other minerals, and ash.
Thus, what is called “4 percent milk” or “whole milk” is a high fat food, because the percentage determination includes the water, and milk is mainly water.  Its label is largely a commercial fiction.  It is not a prime food, especially when trying to increase muscle or to reduce body fat.
What is called “2 percent milk” still contains more fat and more lactose than protein.  It is not a prime food either.
Skim milk has near zero fat but still contains a high amount of lactose. Skim milk powder, which some people use in cooking and as a low-fat protein source, is the worst of milk, because more than half of it is lactose.
Up to 30 percent of adults have varying degrees of allergic responses to lactose, because lactase, its digesting enzyme in the gut, declines rapidly during childhood. Humans and their pets are the only adult animals that drink milk.

Milk Proteins
There at least 14 different proteins in milk split into two groups, caseins and wheys.
Casein represents about 80 percent of milk protein. Casein has poor results in producing lean mass in athletes, and in hospital studies of muscle loss.*
Whey represents about 20 percent of milk protein. Whey has superior results to any other protein, including eggs, meats, fish, soy, nut, pea, rice, and other plant proteins, in producing lean mass in athletes, and muscle in hospital studies. Recent genomic research attributes much of the benefit of whey protein concentrate to two unique proteins, beta-lactoglobulin (60percent of whey protein), and alpha-lactalbumin (25 percent), that together regulate the activity of more than 200 human genes.
To legally call a product whey protein concentrate it can have anywhere from 29 percent to 89 percent whey protein. At the bottom end of that scale (29 to 49 percent protein), you can work out that the other 50 to 70 percent is almost all fat and lactose. You will see a lot of this cheap whey for sale in bulk stores and discount markets. Leave it on the shelf. The new shirt you buy with the money saved will not look good on a pumpkin.

Near the top end of the whey scale (70 to 89 percent protein), only 10 to 25 percent of the mix is fat and lactose. That’s where you want your whey to be.**
Whey protein concentrate is further extracted to become whey protein isolate (90 to 95 percent protein). The higher price of whey isolate, however, is money wasted.  Both high-end concentrate and isolate are fast proteins, that is, they are very rapidly absorbed compared to casein or meat or fish proteins. But, until the advent of recent molecular genetics, we could not understand why whey isolate (90 to 95 percent protein) and high end whey concentrate (70 to 89 percent protein) produced identical results in increased free amino acid pools in the body, increased muscle protein formation, and reduction of fat deposition. Now we know that, after most of the fat and lactose is removed, the structure of the proteins is more important than the last few percent of extraction in expressing the genes that build muscle and inhibit adiposity. The structure of the proteins depends on the quality of the milk.

Quality, Quality, Quality!
Half the dry weight of your body is protein, over one hundred thousand different proteins, each of which is precisely determined by gene expression. The quality of your proteins determines both the quality and the quantity of their effects on the genome. Quality of the proteins in milk depends on the nutrition of the cows and the method of protein extraction.

Nutrition of the Cows
Cows are ruminants, continuous grazers. They have a rumen, a miraculous fermentation tank in their gut designed by tens of millions of years of evolution to digest grass and humus (grass that has died and broken down to become a stable mat for the growing grass). The rumen is designed precisely to ferment grass. In order to work properly it has to stay at a good level of fermentation continuously. Unlike the human gut, which operates intermittently by acid, the rumen is acid neutral, and requires constant grazing and a constant level of fermentation to remain healthy and support high quality protein production.
Over the last 50 years, the economics of commercial farming in the US has progressively eliminated most pasture feeding. To make a living, most farmers have to keep their cows in feedlots most of the time, and feed them on cheap hay, corn, barley, soybeans and fat. These feeds are much cheaper than pasture, but require an acidic gut to digest them. The feedlot cows are also fed only intermittently.  So most dairy farming places a large intermittent and acid load on a rumen and liver that were not designed for it. Some places, notably New Zealand, still pasture feed most of their cows.***
The diet and confinement of US cows has produced most of the problems that now beset American milk production. Feedlot cows rarely go four months without infection, requiring constant dosing with antibiotics. Feedlot cows produce milk so poorly that production has to be stimulated with hormones. Feedlot cows last an average of only four years before liver and other problems from acidic food get them switched out and turned into beef.  No surprise that feedlot cows produce inferior milk.
To give you a quick perspective on how bad it has become, in March 2010, the U.S. Department of Agriculture published new access to pasture rules for the best-of-the-best, organic cows producing high-quality organic milk. The new rules state that organic cows have to be out on pasture for not less than 120 days per year, and have to receive at least 30 percent of their feed by pasturing during the grazing season. At least they recognize the  right way to raise cows. But what a minimal standard! And that’s for the-best-of-the-best, so you can imagine what’s happening to the rest of the cows (85 percent). I hope I have convinced you to buy whey protein extracted from the milk of grazed animals for your health’s sake.

Extraction of the Whey
Whey is extracted from milk by numerous methods. Most common use acids or salts, and heat. All these strategies denature the whey. Denaturing involves numerous breakdowns in the protein, but here I will mention only two of the main faults.
First, we now know from gene expression studies that undenatured whey contains many bioactive compounds including antibodies and enzymes that have multiple beneficial effects in humans. When the whey is denatured, these bioactive compounds are destroyed.
Second, undenatured whey contains numerous di-peptides (amino acid pairs) and tri-peptides (amino acid triples). These are keys that fit specific genetic locks in the body to turn on protein functions. If the whey is denatured, the keys are broken down into single amino acids and no longer work.
It’s true that the milk industry didn’t know of these problems until recent science uncovered them. But it is expensive to change your technology, and its not happening in this economy. Undenatured whey protein is extracted by cold-membrane filtration. It costs more, but it’s the only whey to go.

Dr. Michael Colgan is a world-renowned research scientist, leading expert in the inhibition of aging, and a member of the Isagenix Science Advisory Board. Dr. Colgan has provided nutrition, training and anti-aging programs to more than 11,000 athletes, including many Olympians. He is director of his eponymous Colgan Institute, a consulting, educational and research facility concerned with the effects of nutrition and exercise on athletic performance, along with prevention of chronic degenerative disease, and prevention of degeneration of the brain.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I like to keep a stockpile of my favorite foods in my pantry so that when the mood strikes, I have what I’m craving. But it turns out that may not be a good idea for certain foods, because they actually lose their health punch over time, according to a report by Amy Paturel in EatingWell Magazine.   

blog post photo
Keep track of how long you store these 4 items. Here's why: certain nutrients are unstable when exposed to oxygen (from the air), heat (from cooking) and light.

Orange juice: 1 week
One cup of OJ can offer a full day's dose of vitamin C. But OJ that has been opened loses all antioxidant benefit after just one week. To get the most vitamin C, buy frozen concentrate and drink within a few days. Frozen concentrate is exposed to less light and air.
Green tea: 6 months
A 2009 study in the Journal of Food Science showed that green tea’s catechins (antioxidants linked with a reduced risk of some cancers) decreased markedly over time. After six months, catechin levels were 32 percent lower. Make the most of the antioxidants by storing tea in a sealed container in a dark, cool place.
(Add this 1 ingredient to your tea to make it healthier.)
Olive oil: 6 months
Extra-virgin olive oil contains more than 45 heart-healthy antioxidants, but after six months of storage their potency decreases by about 40 percent, according to researchers at the University of Foggia in Italy. Why? Oxygen bubbles in the bottle destroy the antioxidants.
Honey: 6 months
Researchers at the University of Illinois found the antioxidant power of clover honey and buckwheat honey decreased by 30 to 50 percent after six months. Consider buying buckwheat honey—it generally has more antioxidants to start with.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Triathletes must be in top physical condition to face unique challenges.
A pilot trial finds Isagenix helps triathletes maintain top condition to face unique challenges of running, cycling, and swimming.

Training as a competitive triathlete is demanding. Unlike other endurance athletes who train for one individual sport, triathletes must meet the unique challenges of running, swimming, and cycling in an all-day race. They work long, hard hours to keep their bodies in peak condition by maintaining a balance of little body fat, yet sufficient muscle mass and energy for top performance. Now, preliminary research suggests Isagenix products could assist triathletes in achieving a competitive edge.
The Colgan Institute, an educational and research facility, conducted an open-label pilot study that followed six male athletes of medium to elite status in training for an Olympic-distance triathlon on the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System for 30 days. In addition to their regular training—about four hours per day for six days per week—the participants also agreed to do an additional 30 to 40 minute of resistance training exercises daily in accordance with the Colgan Power Program. The program, developed by Michael Colgan, Ph.D., a member of the Isagenix Scientific Advisory Board, includes three sets of eight different resistance exercises in each workout (explained fully in Dr. Colgan’s The New Power Program).
At the beginning of the trial, the entire group was at less than 10 percent body fat, and had been so for some time prior to testing. By the end of the study, participants had lost an average of 4.2 poundsdecreasing body fat by an average of 3 percent, while increasing lean body mass by an average of 0.7 pounds or 2.8 percent.
“Many programs in which athletes rapidly lose body fat also show losses of muscle mass,” Dr. Colgan said. “The result is surprising as these are athletes who were already doing everything known in athletics to minimize body fat while maintaining muscle mass.”None of the subjects reported a decline in training. Three reported training improvements during the 30 days. Two reported improved sleep. No subject reported adverse events. No athletes competed during the trial; however, in the two months since completion, three of the athletes recorded significant gains in cycling performance, and two saw significant gains in running performance.
The standard distance triathlon, also referred to as the Olympic distance, includes a 1.5 kilometer swim, a 40 kilometer bike ride, and a 10 kilometer run. A triathlete’s ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass can mean a big difference in competitive performance in such an endurance event.
“The Olympic distance triathlon is a two-hour endurance event, during which performance is significantly affected by even small improvements in body composition,” Dr. Colgan said. “As these athletes were already in peak condition, this gain is exceptional.”
Isagenix Director of Research Susie Rockway, Ph.D., added, “Data from this preliminary trial added with the accumulating scientific evidence  of whey protein’s stimulation of  muscle synthesis, together, clearly shows that the ‘magic’ in Isagenix products offers an advantageous strategy to maximize healthy weight loss while preserving lean muscle—the key to improving body composition.”
Triathlete-style Cleansing and Fat Burning System
The athletes followed all the instructions for the Cleansing and Fat Burning System with a few modifications to meet training demands. The routine followed the typical schedule of Shake Days combined with one Cleanse Day every seven days. In total, the products taken included the following:
  • IsaLean® Shake: A high-protein meal replacement taken twice daily to replace two meals per day, except on Cleanse Days.
  • Ionix Supreme: Proprietary herbal drink containing adaptogens taken daily to support the body under stress.
  • Cleanse for Life: Proprietary herbal drink taken only on Cleanse Days to support natural detoxification.
  • Natural Accelerator: Supplement taken daily to support natural thermogenesis (fat burning).
  • IsaFlush!®: Supplement containing herbs plus magnesium taken daily to assist bowel regularity.
Prior to the program, participants maintained an average food intake of 4,100 to 5,200 calories per day with an average 20 percent protein, 65 percent carbohydrate, and 15 percent fat. To not compromise caloric needs of training, modifications were made to Shake Days where the one single, evening meal contained 1,500 to 2,000 calories instead of the indicated 400 to 600 calories.
The meals on Shake Days consisted of predominantly fish and multiple fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. No breads or cereals were consumed, and fats were mostly from unprocessed nuts, seeds, and vegetable and fish oils. The athletes also continued their personalized supplementation programs, which included vitamins and minerals during the trial.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fat Free, Low-Fat, And Non-Fat Do Not Equal Health

Consumers, read your labels! I just heard yet another story about people in an office telling each other a package of Red Vines was fine to eat because the label read, “fat-free”. Just read the nutritional information on any package that says “low-fat”, “fat free”, or “non-fat” and you will likely find that the amount of carbohydrates in the product is sky high.
For instance, Red Vines contains 35 grams of carbohydrates per 4 pieces.  Just imagine what your body would be subjected to if you ate more than that.
Different people have different caloric intake needs – depending on how active you are. According to WikiAnswers, “if you are eating 2,500 calories a day, the recommended daily intake is at least 313 grams of carbohydrate. If your daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories eat at least 250 grams of carbohydrate per day. 1,500 calories a day equals to 188 grams of carbohydrates per day.” But don’t be fooled. Where health is concerned, carbohydrates means the natural kind, like those found in fruits, vegetables, and whole, sprouted grains – not the processed, package garbage sold in most grocery stores (and many natural food stores). If all the carbs you eat come from junk, you will soon be on your way to a myriad of lifelong health issues like heart disease, Diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke.
Fats and carbohydrates are both important sources of calories. One reason why you might feel like you can eat a whole box of crackers, for example, is the fact that crackers do not truly satisfy your hunger. This is because all the fat calories have been replaced with carbohydrates. So you eat and eat and eat more carbs, until your body has no choice but to gain massive amounts of weight. Your body is still starving and your hunger levels are not abated.
When you are dealing with excesses, you can encounter tremendous problems. This is true with overloading your body with carbs. Too many of the wrong types of carbs will cause a failure in your digestive processes on many levels, which leads to other problems in the body including the heart, nervous system, and elimination systems (kidneys and other detoxification systems).
The opposite can occur as a deficiency in the elements and nutrients your body needs to be healthy, such as fats. Fats are critical in so many parts of health – skin, eyes, hair, cardiovascular, nervous system, digestion, and feeling full. The bottom line here is that anything which isn’t a whole food is going to be unhealthy for consumption.
Ask yourself, when you are purchasing fat free, low-fat, and non-fat products…are these foods a whole food? If the answer is no, putting the product back on the shelf should be all that much easier to do.
A good example of an unhealthy, fat-free or low-fat food is low-fat milk or non-fat yogurt. These products are not healthier because the fat has been lowered. In fact, the dairy product is unhealthier because it has been changed from the natural, whole-fat food it originally was. The body cannot properly absorb calcium, protein, or fats from a dairy product that has been made low or non-fat because all the proper digestive enzymes and other important substances in a whole-fat food are no longer present to aid the digestive system in absorbing the nutrients. Low-fat and non-fat dairy products, when consumed, will effectively leech calcium from the bone. Disrupting the natural molecular content of calcium, fat, and protein in meat and dairy products by artificially making these foods low-fat will consistently cause health problems to occur such as weight gain, osteoporosis, and heart disease.
One problem in our society lies with the fact that if people have to take time to prepare something, they are less likely to “have enough time” or become motivated to restructure their day to enable the needed time for cooking and preparing foods. The more convenience foods we eat, the more our health declines. If we take time to grow and purchase healthy organic foods and make meals from scratch, we are going to see an amazing difference for the good in the way we feel, look, and live.
So stop counting calories! If you are purchasing processed food, it doesn’t matter how few calories it contains. It will create adverse health conditions for anyone who regularly consumes it. Everyone needs the right amount (depending on your health, level of activity, etc. ) of healthy, unadulterated calories from natural, whole, organic foods. Until the public realizes this fact, we will continue to see monumental amounts of chronic disease and obesity amongst the population.
For more information on eating healthy fats and avoiding bad carbohydrates, visit Food and Healing.
The New York Times has a good article supported by a medical doctor and a nutritionist about the dangers of low-fat diets.