Monday, October 31, 2011

A new study shows that cravings for high-fat and high-sugar foods do lessen over time

Did you know that cravings for foods like pizza, French fries, doughnuts, and ice cream are the most oft-cited reasons in controlled studies for people not sticking to a weight-management program? In fact, some people may not even attempt losing weight because they think they won’t be able to kick the “junk food” habit.  

No one likes to set themselves up for failure. But is there hope of getting over the sweet tooth or a preference for fatty foods by sticking to a strict regimen? New research published in this month’s issue of Obesity suggests that, yes, there is, which could also explain why people who stay on an Isagenix program long-term see their cravings lessen over time.  

The randomized trial, led by a collaborative effort from researchers at Temple University, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, University of Colorado and Washington University, studied the effects of following either a low-carb or low-fat diet. At the end of the two-and-a-half-year trial, the researchers found that both groups of dieters had decreased cravings and preferences for the foods their diet restricted.
The study participants, 270 obese adult men and women, attended regular group sessions where they were coached on how to stick with their diets. They filled out questionnaires rating how often they had food cravings, for what types of foods, what foods they naturally preferred to eat, and the size of their appetite. The low-carb group had significantly reduced cravings for carbs and starches, as well as a lesser amount of times that sweets or fast foods were craved. Also, their preference for high-carb and high-sugar foods decreased. Likewise, the low-fat group experienced reduced cravings for the high-fat and low-carbs foods that were restricted in their diet.

Since the low-fat group consumed fewer calories overall than the low-carb group, it’s not surprising that the low-carb group reported being less bothered by hunger. Or, it could also have something to do with the higher amount of protein the low-carb group was eating since protein is known to keep people feeling fuller longer—we know that high-protein IsaLean Shakes work on the same principle.
The authors conclude, “Promoting the restriction of certain types of foods while dieting results in decreased cravings and preferences for the foods that are targeted for restriction.”

This study showed that men had a bigger decrease in high-fat food cravings, in addition to larger decreases in overall hunger, times of being bothered by hunger, the desire to eat in response to the sight or smell of food, and thoughts about food. Interestingly, there was a gender difference when it came to food cravings and preferences. The authors note that this has been pointed out before: obese men tend to prefer foods such as pizza and French fries more, while obese women favor foods such as cake and doughnuts.

Something else to think about, although not noted in the study results, is that part of the study design and potential reason for participants’ success is that they attended regular group sessions where they discussed their progress and continued adherence to the diets. This may point to the benefit of being involved in a group where diet and health are discussed. People might hold themselves more accountable when it comes to their diet, while the support of the group may help people stay on track to reach weight-loss goals.

So, how to best stick to a program, consistently lose pounds and eventually get to that desired target weight? Stay disciplined—eventually your stomach may learn to no longer crave for those diet-busting, high-calorie foods that are rich in fat or carbohydrates. And a little help from a network of friends (like those on Facebook) to keep you on track can go a long way.

Reference: Martin CK, Rosenbaum D, Han H et al. Change in food cravings, food preferences, and appetite during a low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2011;19:1963-70. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.62

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I have been watching Oprah's Life Class and have been really enjoying each and every class.  This is an article that that has been posted from one of Oprah's first classes.  

Are You Secretly Angry?

From: Lesson 2: Letting Go of Anger

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Creating your reality – strategies for owning it and working it!

Creating your reality - My latest Daily Inspiration was about being in your power and now I want to expand on that topic and explain in more detail what I mean by that and how we can all actually live it. Living it is the crucial part. We can read about these topics all we want but until these words are actually brought fully into our bodies and applied practically (meaning, actually living with these principals) then nothing will ever really change. Creating your reality requires you to actually physically create through living and doing, not just reading and thinking! 

Responding vs Reacting

I think we all know the difference between responding and reacting but how often throughout the day are you really observing yourself and choosing to respond versus simply reacting? How often do you find yourself falling into the same patterns of complaining, whining and lamenting about your life? Maybe you aren’t that dramatic (smile) but we all have patterns that, when triggered, have us reacting instead of responding with clarity. Creating your reality and being in your power requires you to stop reacting out of habit and old beliefs and to start responding in ways that empower you and build the life you truly desire.
So one way to be in your power is to breathe, stay present and aware, and then respond. Before anything comes out of your mouth remember what your higher intentions, goals and dreams are. Then consider what response will support your highest path. Then from that place of clarity and focus you can respond. This is powerful. Choosing, at every moment, to live on your highest path is powerful. And it takes mental focus! Eventually these triggers will fade away like a distant memory but your life won’t change itself- it’s up to you to change your responses to life’s challenges.

I’m going to repeat the last sentence again for emphasis- Your life won’t change until you start responding differently to life’s challenges. So are you going to react today, or respond?
What you put out is what you get back (or the outer world is a mirror of our inner world!). You are creating your reality in every moment, so create consciously.
For any of you that have read my old Intention of the Week series you know how often I repeat “The outer world is a mirror of our inner world”…and I repeat it so often because it’s true. And the more you understand and apply this knowledge the more you can be in your power.
Think about when someone gets on your nerves. Why are they bugging you? (Just bring up someone into your mind and honestly think about what it is that bugs you.) Now take an honest and thorough self-appraisal and consider where in your life you act the same way. And then from there have love, compassion and forgive yourself. Know that everyone’s ego is annoying and we all have egos! Thus, we can all be annoying! Having compassion for yourself will soften you and allow you to then have compassion for others.
The next time you find yourself pointing the finger at someone else, blaming someone or just simply being annoyed by someone or something, know that you are giving your power over to that person or thing. When you switch your perspective to understand that we are all connected and you practice loving those parts of yourself you get your power back.

Taking Responsibility

Remember that things don’t happen to you, they happen for you. You are in charge of your life and can create it how you want, but only if you own that and take responsibility for your life as it is right now. I’m not saying that to make anyone have guilt or self-judgment- it really is time to let all that crap go. Just take ownership!! The longer you keep your focus “out there” and onto other people and circumstances the longer you will feel at the mercy of circumstance. A shift in perspective really is required here. You are a powerful creator of your own life! Are you ready to step into those shoes, take responsibility, and really create the life you want? Creating your reality and being in your power requires you to take responsibility for all of it. Even if someone is bugging the poo out of you, stop looking at them and look at yourself- now you have taken back your power instead of giving it away to other people.

May I get a little spiritual?

I try and be practical when I write so that everyone can apply philosophy in a way that actually translates to a more joyous life. But really, let’s think about this. We are all sparks of the Divine (or Source Energy, or God, or whatever you call it!). Every atom in this Universe comes from Source Energy. Thus, we are all connected as we are all ultimately from Source/Divine Energy. So why would the Divine withhold from the Divine? Why would Source judge Source? It wouldn’t! So anything you want can be yours and you are inherently worthy of all you desire. When you approach your life from authentic appreciation of all that life delivers and you trust yourself and the Divine, you are more powerful. Start embracing this today by embracing everything that happens with the knowledge that it is your creation, and trusting that it has a higher purpose.

Physical (Take care of your body!)

Finally, we are in a physical body so don’t think you can ignore your bodies and be fully in your power! Do whatever you feel called to do that will strengthen your physical body. Eat better foods, get some exercise, get some rest. Your body will guide you, and use common sense- don't fill your body with junk and expect to be all enlightened (heavy foods= heavy energy, generally speaking!). Make empowered choices in all areas of your life!
You get to choose. Choose to have what you want, and start today by thinking empowered thoughts and taking empowered action.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Body Mass Index Predicts Health
Dr Michael Colgan 23 September 2011

My book Nutrition for Champions, gives a chart from which you can read your Body Mass Index (BMI), an accurate indicator of your level of bodyfat.(1) You can also work out BMI by arithmetic. Divide your weight in kilos by your height in metres squared, or your weight in pounds multiplied by 703 divided by your height in inches squared. 
BMI, costs nothing, and is more accurate than many expensive medical tests in predicting your risk of all sorts of diseases. The range of BMI found in the longest-lived people on Earth, the Okinawan Japanese, and citizens of tiny European nation of San Marino is 21 to 25

The link between BMI and health has now been assessed by prospective, long-term follow-up of large numbers of people who were not overweight or sick when first recruited for the studies. The Prospective Studies Collaboration published the definitive report in the Lancet. It analysed 57 studies, covering 894,576 subjects, in Western Europe, North America, Australia, and Japan (541,452 men, 353,124 women).(2)
Mean BMI on recruitment was 25. The analyses were adjusted for age, sex, smoking, and other variables that might affect results. The first five years of follow-up were excluded, so as to avoid reverse causality, that is folk who were slim only because they had dieted hard to lose weight before joining the studies. Most folk who do weight loss diets regain all of it within five years.

The next six years of follow-up after that, produced a huge amount of weight gain, a mass of disease, and a massive 66,552 deaths. Mean age at death was only 67. Some 30,416 subjects died from cardiovascular disease, 22,592 of cancer, 3,770 of respiratory diseases, 2,070 of diabetes, and 7,704 of other causes. 

For both men and women, subjects with a BMI of 22•5 to 25 had by far the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases, and had the lowest mortality. Above BMI 25, each increase in BMI by 5.0 points increased cardiovascular mortality by 40%. That’s huge ! Each increase in BMI by 5.0 points increased diabetic, kidney, and liver mortality by 60 to 120%. Overall, each increase in BMI by 5.0 points increased mortality by 30%. Excess bodyfat is deadly.

For a long and healthy life, keep your BMI below 25. You know the health system that can get you there, Isagenix, the system that also has the best support team on Earth to keep you there for life. 

Friday, October 7, 2011


Do you know your way around a kitchen, supermarket, or mini-fridge? When you're well acquainted with food, you can whip up a healthy meal out of a few ingredients. But if you're mindless about what you feed yourself and your family, you might be missing out on key nutrients and the many ways that food can surprise you. Stash these 10 surprising nutrition tidbits in your food fact files.

Did you know that kids copy your food habits?
And we're not just talking about table manners. Children pick up on everything, and they're brilliant mimics. Kids see when Mom picks at peas on her plate or when Dad pushes aside pumpkin seeds in favour of potato chips. Studies suggest that kids pick up on parents' fussy food and dieting habits, so be aware of your influence.

Did you know that we eat what we see?
Put a bowl of candies on your desk within reach, and you'll probably eat more sweets than if the candy were tucked away in a desk drawer or kept in the office kitchen. Thing is, no matter how much candy we eat from the out-of-sight kitchen stash, we tend to estimate that we ate less of it.

Did you know that if we put food in a big bowl, we eat more of it – even if it doesn't taste that good?
You're at the movies, munching away at fistfuls of so-so popcorn from a mega-sized bucket. In no time, your fingers reach the bottom. And you weren't even that hungry! In one study, people ate much more popcorn when given a larger bucket – even though they rated the popcorn's flavour as "unfavorable"! Same principle applies when we graze at the snack bowls at a party: If a bowl is big, we eat more of the food inside it. Try this out by setting out a big bowl of fresh-cut veggies when your kids watch television or do homework.

Did you know that our moods can affect our taste buds?
We've all had emotional eating episodes now and then – a "drowning our sorrows in a tub of ice cream" kind of thing. But a sad mood may actually make us eat larger amounts of bad-for-us foods while a happy-go-lucky outlook turns our taste to healthier fare. Keep this in mind next time you feel your mood swinging.

Did you know that food labels can trick our taste buds?
We're inclined to believe and be comforted by whatever we see written on a food label. Many people will over-eat foods if they're labelled low-fat, and overeating can negate the benefit of the health claim. Check labels and take note of serving size before over-indulging in what seems like a healthier treat.

Did you know that how long you chew some foods affects your appetite?
Research suggests that if you chew almonds 25 to 40 times before you swallow them, your body will digest more of the nuts' unsaturated fat, which can leave you feeling fuller than if you'd chewed only 10 times. Chewing your food more thoroughly also gives you time to evaluate your level of hunger as you eat, rather than just wolfing everything down or clearing your plate.

Did you know that a cup of cottage cheese can contain nearly as much sodium as 2 hot dogs?
Only about 10% of our daily sodium intake comes from table salt. Loads of sodium hides in packaged and prepared foods, like cottage cheese and hot dogs. Check labels to keep your daily sodium intake below 2300 mg. Excess sodium raises our risk of high blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Much of our daily intake comes from packaged and prepared foods, like cottage cheese and smoked meats.

Did you know that the way you chop vegetables affects how nutritious they will be?
The more finely you chop vegetables, the more surface area you expose to the air. And the more surface area exposed, the more vitamins and minerals can be lost from the food when cooked. Instead, cut vegetables into equally larger chunks for even and nutrient-preserving cooking.

Did you know that letting food sit out can boost its nutritional profile?
Once you've chopped up certain vegetables – garlic, onions, leeks, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower – wait about 10 minutes before cooking. This time helps to make nutrients more available and less likely to be released in cooking.

Did you know that microwaving your veggies may up their antioxidant potential?
The microwave doesn't seem like a healthy cooking tool. But some veggies, like carrots and spinach, get an antioxidant boost from a spin around in the super-concentrated and quick heat of a microwave.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A family's guide to healthy food substitutes

At a minimum, half of all grains we eat should be whole grains, but most people don't meet this goal.

At a minimum, half of all grains we eat should be whole grains, 
but most people don't meet this goal.

( -- Pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, M.D., recommends simple, everyday replacements for what you're eating, doing and even breathing that can have a major impact on your kids' health.
I remember my delight at discovering the Control-H command in Microsoft Word. I know it's a small discovery, but with a few simple keystrokes, I could find and replace any string of text in a long document.
I can only imagine how much time that handy trick has saved me over the years. Wouldn't it be great to be able to do that in real life? And imagine if it wasn't time we were saving, but our family's health?
I'm always on the lookout for smart substitutions for parents, where simply replacing one thing with another can make life better, healthier, or safer. I've highlighted my top substitutions for you. With an imaginary Ctrl-H, look for these items in your home -- whether in a medicine cabinet, kitchen, or child's bedroom -- and consider upgrading.
IN: Honey
OUT: DM cough medicine
Parents spend billions on over-the-counter cough remedies, even though the American Academy of Pediatrics never recommends them for kids under age 2, and cautions against their use under age 6. Is it worth it?
Researchers have done a head-to-head comparison of dextromethorphan (the cough suppressant found in "DM" cold medications) with a less expensive natural remedy: honey. The honey outperformed DM in every category, from reducing the number and severity of coughs, to improving sleep--for kids and parents.
The most effective honeys appear to be the darker varieties. The suggested dose for ages 1 to 6 is one-half teaspoon 30 minutes before bed, increasing to one teaspoon for children 6 to 11 years old.
Dark chocolate contains a different ingredient that has tested better than DM for coughs. I use a half ounce of dark chocolate under age 6, and one ounce from 6 to 11. The effect lasts about four hours.
IN: Whole grains
OUT: Refined grains
Refined grains and whole grains may seem similar, but they are quite different. Whole grains are more than just starch, containing up to 25% of other goodies, including protein, fiber, and added healthy omega-3's, along with a complex mixture of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients. The refining process strips away much of what is best about grains and can leave a white product that may be up to 94% starch. This makeover changes the way grains are absorbed and used by the body and the effect they have on blood sugar, even though a few simple vitamins and iron are added back.
At a minimum, half of all grains we eat should be whole grains. Less than 5% of Americans are meeting this modest goal, according to the USDA. Start with starches. When it comes to pasta, sandwich breads, bagels, dinner rolls, or hamburger buns, opt for whole grain.
IN: Oils
OUT: Solid fats
Solid fats are often one of the biggest sources of empty calories in kids' diets. Both saturated fats and trans fats, hidden in many processed foods, tend to be solid at room temperature. Getting too much solid fat in the diet has been linked to chronic disease, especially diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
The biggest source of solid fats in kids' diets is what's used in baked goods. Luckily, using olive oil as a substitute can give results sinfully similar to the original. In one study, researchers made three types of cakes: margarine only, extra-virgin olive oil only, and a combination of olive oil and margarine. The tasters found that all three cakes had the same aroma and tasted remarkably similar. In fact, the reduced-trans-fat cake actually edged out the margarine cake as the winner.
Even if you're not a confectioner, there are plenty of ways to make this change at home. My family adopted this substitution: a bowl of olive oil with a splash of balsamic vinegar for dipping bread or veggies. Replacing conventional beef with turkey, chicken, seafood, or beans is another way to Ctrl-H solid fats.
IN: Houseplants
OUT: Air fresheners
Indoor air can be up to 10 times as polluted as outdoor air, triggering health problems such as asthma. What we call "air fresheners" may freshen the smell, but they just mask the pollution--and may even act as irritants themselves.
Certain houseplants can truly freshen the air, removing up to 90% of the toxins from a room. In an effort to identify plants that can filter air in sealed environments, NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America tested common plants to determine the best natural filters. Among the winners? Mums, gerbera daisies, and the peace lily, which is a favorite of mine because it looks good and even I can keep one alive.
IN: An hour outdoors
OUT: An hour indoors
Indoors is associated not only with television and video games but also with inactivity, restlessness, and low energy. By contrast, outdoors is associated not only with sports and nature but also with movement, activity, and high energy.
Still, it's about more than working up a good sweat. Being outside also engages our children's minds and triggers imagination and creativity. It's great for kids to spend time disconnected from a steady stream of passive entertainment. Spending time outdoors has also been linked to improved mood, behavior, and attention.
Outdoor play can provide vitamin D, too, which is linked not just to bone health but to reduced asthma symptoms, eczema severity, and diabetes. Many kids aren't getting enough from their diet or the sun, especially since sunscreen can block vitamin D formation as well as blocking harmful rays, so take 'em outside!
IN: Flavored water
OUT: Sugary drinks
When you talk about kids eating too much sugar, the usual suspects come to mind: breakfast cereals, sweet snacks, desserts, and candy. But, in fact, the largest source of added sugars in our kids' diets is what they drink.
Whether we're talking sodas, sports drinks, or juice drinks, beverages are a leading source of both extra calories and extra sugars. This is no small deal! Too much sugar leads not only to ballooning weight and waist size but perhaps also to worsening blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar--even type 2 diabetes.
Revisiting what our kids drink is a great place to start. We do this in our home by keeping a big jar with a spigot on our kitchen counter. It's filled with ice water that's been flavored with fruits, veggies, or herbs: mint, orange, lemon basil, ginger, and cucumber. Tasty and always available, it helps keep the whole family hydrated and healthy.
IN: Real food for baby
OUT: White-rice baby cereal
This could be the single most important change to tilt the trajectory of kids' taste preferences. We've learned in the 21st century that early food experiences play a key role both in forming lasting taste preferences and in pre-setting metabolisms. On average, if babies taste a food six to ten times, they are more likely to develop a fondness for it. Foods for babies should be things we want them to like down the road.
For decades, most babies have been given processed white-rice flour (called rice cereal) dozens of times, often before they get any other experience with food. It became the top source of food calories throughout the first year. This white starch starts to turn to sugar before it leaves a baby's mouth, and it is straight glucose by the time it's absorbed. It's no wonder that refined-flour sweets are often the biggest source of calories for the rest of childhood.
Brown-rice cereal is an easy substitution. I also love banana as a first food, fork-mashed with some breast milk or formula.
IN: Grass-fed organic beef
OUT: Conventional beef
Side by side, two cuts of meat may look almost identical, but they can come from cows raised in very different ways. I've been to the crowded, fenced-in feedlots where cattle are fed cattle-junk food to fatten them up. I've also stood on expansive green hillsides under the open blue sky and strolled among cattle grazing on old-fashioned pasture. If we are what we eat, then we are what our food animals eat, too.
Grass-fed cattle are raised on pasture without the use of synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides, genetic modification, cloning, or antibiotics. The meat can have up to four times the healthy omega-3 fats of feedlot beef. Ask questions at the meat counter; read labels.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The prevalence of obesity and undernutrition only continue to grow despite continued practical advice from nutritionists to eat less and make fruits and vegetables a greater part of our diets. Rampant overeating of the wrong foods characteristic of the average adult in the United States has not afforded increased intake of vitamins and minerals.
On the contrary, clinical and epidemiological studies find that most Americans receive suboptimal intakes of these micronutrients and that most suffer from either undernutrition or are likely to exhibit a moderate deficiency in at least one essential vitamin or mineral.
We are indeed a population that is overfed yet undernourished. Consider these facts:
  • In 2009, less than 25 percent of U.S. adults consumed five or more fruit or vegetable servings per day (1).
  • Most Americans receive only suboptimal levels of vitamins and minerals needed to protect long-term health.
  • Recent evidence suggests that young adults may be deficient in B12 at much higher percentages than previously thought.
  • Remarkably, vitamin E intake is inadequate in 93 percent of all U.S. adults.
  • Almost all U.S. adults are extremely low in vitamin D.
  • Even with dietary supplementation, many U.S. adults do not meet estimated average requirements for vitamins D, A, E, C, and the mineral calcium (see chart) (2).
Experts agree that the incidence of “subclinical,” or moderate nutritional deficiencies, have become far too common. 
These may cause metabolic and cellular harm over time. While nutrient intakes are high enough to prevent overt, classical symptoms of deficiency states, they are too low for our body’s optimal function (3). For example, vitamin C in the diet may be enough to prevent symptoms of scurvy, but not enough to maximize function as a coenzyme in skin health, or efficient quenching of free radicals, or in keeping the immune system vigilant. Other examples of subclinical or moderate insufficiencies have been described for magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Each of these nutrients is necessary to protect our cells and their components.
Vitamins and minerals work in synergy to keep cells functioning efficiently and our physical structures intact. Even a subclinical deficiency of one can affect the others. Folate and B12, for example, are required as methyl donors for maintaining DNA stability, important for cell health, and metabolizing homocysteine, a cardiotoxic amino acid (4 & 5). Additionally, seven vitamins and minerals are required in the diet daily for just one of many steps in mitochondrial energy production. Finally, a low vitamin E status requires other antioxidants such as vitamin C and selenium to take on greater responsibility in protecting our cells from free radicals.
Why take a multivitamin?
Do you spend time reading the nutrition facts panels of every food label and adding up vitamins and minerals to be sure you are meeting all dietary requirements? As the authors of a study published in the Journal of Nutrition (1) summed up nicely, “nearly the entire U.S. population consumes a diet that is not on par with recommendations.” It’s a staggering conclusion.
If it weren’t for the fortification of foods and dietary supplementation, another recent study just published in the same journal (2) found that many Americans would fail to meet even the minimum nutritional requirements set by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Based on national surveys (NHANES) from 2003 to 2006, dietary supplements were responsible for improving the status of 17 micronutrients among more than 16,000 participants.
Comparing the percent of individuals meeting the estimated average requirement (EAR) of vitamin D, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E based on NHANES data and projected estimates by supplementing with Ageless Essentials Daily Pack.
Comparing the percent of individuals meeting the estimated average requirement (EAR) of vitamin D, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E based on NHANES data and projected estimates by supplementing with Ageless Essentials Daily Pack.
Multivitamins are the most commonly used dietary supplement and play a large role in ensuring adequate nutrient intake in the diets of a large portion of the population. Not only do multivitamins help people meet their nutrient needs, but studies have also shown that taking them on a regular basis is associated with long-term health:
  • Reduced risk of accelerated metabolic disruption, mitochondrial decay, and degenerative pathologies associated with aging (3)
  • Improved maintenance of healthy concentrations of serum homocysteine, C-reactive protein, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides (4,5)
  • Improved maintenance of glucose metabolism and cardiovascular health (5,6)
  • Improved cognitive performance, especially verbal memory, and mood (7)
  • Improved calcium balance for cardiovascular and bone health (8-10)
  • Improved maintenance of chromosomal telomere length, a biomarker of aging (11)
Essentials for Men/Women
Isagenix is redefining what it means to age gracefully. Taking control of your health is as easy as taking Ageless Essentials with Product B. Its component Essentials for Men/Women is designed to provide optimal doses of vitamins and minerals for healthy aging.
To create the most advanced multivitamin supplement, Isagenix laid the groundwork for Essentials for Men/Women by performing a thorough review of the latest scientific studies. The focus was to ensure that the pack reflected quantities and quality of nutrients that meet criteria in line with updated nutritional guidelines, therapeutic doses and forms.
The tablets are designed with sustained-release technology by using forms of nutrients with different molecular weights, sizes, and solubility rates. The combination of these elements creates a staggered release of nutrients into the small intestine, providing steady passage and absorption of the various nutrients into the bloodstream. The multivitamins (unlike typical “whole-food” supplements) take into account the avoidance of anti-nutrient components such as phytates and reduction of mineral competitiveness. The separation into AM and PM packets also divides the doses over the course of the day for optimal absorption.
Lastly, Isagenix adheres to a “no compromise” policy that guarantees the products will deliver the nutrients we promise. We include the right amount of nutrients listed on the label, often with a responsible overage, to be sure that the product will deliver the same potency for the duration of its two-year shelf life. All raw materials are tested for purity and potency. Isagenix even ups the ante by performing Finished Product Safety verification through independent, third-party laboratories.