Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Deal with Negativity and Chaos

In basic terms of the principle The Law of Attraction, we attract those things that we think of the most. Like attracts like, and positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative results, respectively.
Here’s how it works. Human beings, rocks, plants, animals—everything in the universe—is energy. According to quantum physics, the energy within something determines its vibration, or frequency. Even every thought we have has a frequency. The quality of our thoughts and our life energy (also known as chi or prana) is what attracts our experiences to us. Negative thoughts create a low vibrational frequency, and positive thoughts create a high vibrational frequency.
All human beings are transmitting energy at every moment (positive/strong/high or negative/weak/low). The lowest frequencies are produced by unhappiness, depression, negativity, and anger at the world. The middle frequency is the state of autopilot, where you just keep doing and creating the same old thing. The highest frequency is happiness; you are in the flow of life and you attract and manifest what your heart desires.
Other people pick up and take on this energy. We’ve all experienced that when we leave the presence of a person who has positive energy, we feel positive, energized, and inspired. But being in the presence of a negative person can leave us feeling negative, exhausted, and drained.
Life’s difficulties and obstacles provide us with an opportunity to grow and learn. Look at your life as an obstacle course. You can face and take on the obstacles and challenges one at a time, pursuing the course regardless of its difficulty, learning and getting better as you go. Then, when you reach the finish line, your destination, you will feel deep satisfaction with your accomplishment. Or you can allow the obstacles to become reasons to quit, keeping you from finding your path, purpose, and destination.
If you try hard there is always something positive that can be found in any situation. It can be difficult for negative people to see positivity, as negativity can become a habit and habits can be hard to overcome. But you can conquer them. If you can recognize negative behavior within yourself, you can become accountable for yourself, becoming aware of the energy you produce and transmit (send out) to others. Once you accept responsibility for your thoughts, attitude, words, actions, and circumstances, you will be empowered to make new, positive choices, which will create a new reality for you.
5 ways to deal with negative, chaotic thoughts:

1. Try saying "STOP" or "OUT" as soon as negative thoughts want to enter your mind. As silly and strange as this may sound, it works! Try it and you’ll notice a significant decrease in the negative chatter of the mind.

2. Just stop, breathe, and seek inner guidance. Think about something you are grateful for, and this will immediately distract your ego and remove the negative thoughts.

3. Change your perspective and ask yourself if the situation is going to matter a year from now. If not, let it go. Learn to let go of all the stuff you can't control.

4. Learn to be an observer instead of a participant, a listener instead of a talker; not everything needs a reaction.

5. Remove the source of drama from your life, whether it is an unhealthy relationship or a draining environment. Surround yourself with positivity. It's that simple.
Be responsible for the energy and vibe that you bring to the world and remember that what you give out will be returned to you tenfold.
George Foreman has a wonderful take on this. He describes his ability to deal with negativity this way: "That's my gift. I let that negativity roll off me like water off a duck's back. If it's not positive, I didn't hear it. If you can overcome that, fights are easy.”

Published September 24, 2012 at 11:50 AM
About Belinda Anderson
Belinda is a loving wife and proud mother of two precious boys; and the self-taught CEO of her life, health, and happiness. She is also a Pilates and meditation teacher, as well as a writer. Belinda lives on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia, and is currently working on the final touches of her first book - Living from the Inside Out, A Guide to Healing and Transforming Your Life from Within. Writing Living from the Inside Out ignited a burning inner-flame within Belinda to become a holistic life coach, and opened the door to sharing her healing journey and passion by contributing to various publications worldwide.

6 Tips to Help You Keep Calm & Carry On

Life is full of challenges. We are continually faced with tests of our strength and character. It's the universe reminding us we are still alive. The way I see it, we have two choices. We can run and hide from these challenges within the warmth and safety of our comfort zones, or we can step outside and face our challenges head on, using them as a way to further evolve and grow. 

This past year has been one of the hardest I've experienced. Someone very close to me is fighting cancer. And while he is winning, it still is a hard thing to endure. Watching this person I love get sick, lose weight, struggle to eat, lose his hair, begin to feel better, then have to go through it all over again a couple of weeks later when he goes back in for chemo is excruciating. Yet he maintains the most incredible, positive spirit. "Cancer can suck it" is his motto. And suck it, it will! 

To know someone so intimately who is battling something as big as cancer and see him maintain a positive outlook is truly inspirational. This experience has forced me to take a deeper look within myself  and find my own path to greatness. I have learned that the "little things" in life are just that. Little things. They can't get me down. I find that I don't take things, or people for granted anymore. Somewhere along the way I learned quickly how to be a solid, positive foundation for him and found ways to maintain this attitude and outlook, even when it has been tough. He has taught me to "love the struggle" as he says, to use this experience as a time to grow and become better individuals, and together an even more solid couple. Here I will share with you some simple ways to keep calm and carry on when everything else seems to be falling apart.

#1 - Don't Over Think

We tend to dramatize situations or over think things, making them seem worse than they really are. Look at the problem you are faced with head on, maybe even write it down plain and simple on a piece of paper and read it back to yourself. The imagination is a powerful thing and when something isn't going right, we tend to jump straight to the worst case scenario, letting our imagination get the best of us. By not allowing ourselves to dramatize a situation or let it consume our minds, we are already taking the necessary steps to keep calm, and carry on. 

#2 - Stay Positive

Thoughts and words have a vibration to them. When we think or say negative things those words vibrate at a negative frequency, therefore creating more negative energy within us. When you're feeling down and out and those negative emotions begin to flow, take a moment to think of the positive aspects of your life. Your loved ones, your dog, your home, hobbies you enjoy, and so forth. Try writing down three positive things that happened to you during your day before you go to bed every night. This will leave you with positive images in your mind when you fall asleep. 

#3 - Exercise

Yes, exercise. Getting adequate exercise, even if its just a brisk walk down the street and back releases powerful endorphins such as serotonin that make you feel happy! Getting regular exercise will not only make you feel better emotionally, but also physically. Try it. I dare you. "That run I went for this morning sure made me feel fat and cranky" - said no one ever.

#4 - Take Your Power Back

Only you can control your emotions. People, things, and events can trigger different emotions and thoughts within us, but when you give into these people and/or things and let them affect you negatively, you are giving away your power. Well, its time to take it back! Once you learn that you are truly the only person that has control over how you feel, and that you alone have the power to just say to yourself, "I am not going to let that bother me today" you will be amazed at how much easier it is to just let things roll off your back. If my man can keep cancer from taking his power, you can sure keep yours, too. 

#5 - Just Breathe

Sounds cliche, right? Well be that as it may, breathing works to calm the body and quiet the mind. It's not just a cliche yogi term, its also scientifically proven. When we breathe slowly and mindfully, neurohormones in our brain are sent out that inhibit stress and anxiety producing hormones, therefore causing a calming effect. When you begin to feel overwhelmed, upset, angry, anxious, and the like, stop what you are doing, sit down comfortably, close your eyes, let your hands settle into your lap, and breathe. Deeply. Focus on your breath and your heartbeat. Take a minute to feel gratitude for your body at work. Feel your heart beating to keep your blood circulating, your lungs filling with air. Hone in on your breath. Maybe even count while you breathe in and when you exhale. Just take a few moments to relax, breathe, and let it all go. 

#6 - Practice Compassion

Best said by the Dalai Lama, "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." Open your heart and mind to others. Don't just mindlessly listen when people are talking to you, really hear them. Compassion means feeling for others, and truly caring about them and what they are going through. You never know what someone's journey might be like, or what they have endured. So be kind. It will come back around, and in the interim you will feel better for having showed others compassion. So get out of your head, and into your big, beautiful, open heart.

Published September 26, 2012 at 7:17 AM
About Sarah Shelly
I am attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a certified holistic health coach, and am the founder of Nourished Life. My journey into holistic health began 8 years ago when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I have been learning about holistic health and nutrition ever since. Having helped my mother change her diet and lifestyle after her diagnosis and seeing her so healthy 8 years later has truly inspired me to continue to help people get healthy. There is nothing that makes me feel more fulfilled than spreading my knowledge to others, which is why I have chosen to become a health coach and guide others on their journey to optimal health and wellness.

To see more about what i am up to, please visit me at or follow me on Facebook at

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

8 Tips to Reduce Food Cravings

I used to experience major cravings. For many years it seemed I only wanted to eat greasy, fried, cheesy, or sweet foods. Of course I knew I wasn’t “supposed” to be eating those foods, but I was convinced that was what I wanted. What I didn’t realize was how our minds’ play tricks on us. What I didn’t realize was how powerful our thoughts can be. Once I started becoming aware of what my body, not my mind, truly wanted things started to fall into place.
My body amazes me everyday. It is always trying to maintain an optimal state of balance.  It tells me when I need rest, when I need to drink more water, when I am hungry or too full, when I am cold, it even tells me when I experience too much stress. Cravings are our body’s way of communicating with us. Many people view cravings as a weakness, but really, they are important messages meant to assist you in maintaining balance. It is just a matter of interpreting those messages so that you can give your body what truly nourishes it. I know now that my body doesn’t want fried mozzarella sticks or greasy Chinese food.  What my body really wants are greens, water, avocadoes, fruit, nuts, and even organic dark chocolate. Here are my secret tips for reducing cravings and Cultivating Nourishment in your body.

1. Drink More Water

Lack of water can send the message that you are thirsty and on the verge of dehydration. Dehydration can manifest as a mild hunger, so the first thing to do when you get a craving is drink a full glass of water.

2. Get More Sleep

Most of us are sleep deprived. When our bodies are tired and in need of rest we experience more stress and our blood sugar levels fluctuate very easily. This causes our body to crave sugarprocessed foods, and stimulants. Since many of these substances are addictive once we eat them our body just craves more.

3. Eat Enough Protein

Eating too much protein or too little protein can lead our body to have cravings. Often when we are craving sugar it is because we need more protein in our diet. Even if you are a vegetarian you should be getting a small amount of protein with every meal.  If you’re not sure how much use the palm of your hand for measurement.

4. Ditch the Stimulants

We all know that stimulants are addictive.  As soon as we have them our body wants more. Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and processed foods all fit into this category. They are also very expansive foods. The more we eat them the more our body will crave contracting foods such as, meat, dairy, and heavy carbohydrates.

5. Eat Dark Leafy Greens

You may have heard me say this before but dark leafy greens are the best way to nourish your body. Not only are they filled with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, but they give you tons of energy. The more you eat them the less your body craves sweets and processed foods. It really is that simple. Eat them with every meal.

6. Eat According to Season

Eating with the seasons helps balance our body and give it what it needs. In the spring, people crave detoxifying foods like leafy greens or citrus foods. In the summer, people crave cooling foods like fruit, raw foods and ice cream, and in the fall people crave grounding foods like squash, onions and nuts. During winter, many crave hot and heat-producing foods like meat, oil and fat.
7. Don't Use Food As a Substitute for Something Else

Being dissatisfied with a relationship or having an inappropriate exercise routine (too much, too little or the wrong type), being bored, stressed, uninspired by a job, or lacking a spiritual practice may all cause emotional eating. Eating can be used as a substitute for entertainment or to fill the void of insufficient primary food.

8. Learn to Tune In

I don’t believe in willpower. I believe in Cultivating Nourishment for the mind, body, and spirit. I believe in tuning into what your body wants and needs. Once you learn how to do that, you will understand how to reduce your cravings and feed your body, not your mind, what it wants.

image via

Published May 15, 2012 at 3:00 PM
About Erica Trestyn
I am the owner of Cultivate Nourishment LLC. My personal story has provided tremendous inspiration. I healed myself from morbid obesity, loosing over 150 lbs, and changed my life. After a career as a New York City public school art teacher for 6 years I enrolled in the Institute For Integrative Nutrition in 2012 and received my certification as a Holistic Health Counselor. This allowed me to pursue my passion for educating others about health and wellness. Everyday I strive to cultivate more joy, peace, and love into my life by empowering others to nourish themselves. Please check out my website to learn more about me.
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Friday, September 21, 2012

The author and founder of the Seat of the Soul Institute shows us how to understand the reason others inflict pain on us—and who's really responsible.

Gary Zukav

Photo: Christopher Briscoe

Everyone wants to learn the same thing from painful situations: how to avoid repeating them. For example, when you do your best to take care of someone and then that person pushes you away, you feel unappreciated. Or when you expect to be thanked and the opposite happens. Or when someone betrays your trust: You expected honesty and instead experienced dishonesty. The list of painful situations that you can learn about yourself from is very long, and you have probably experienced many of them.

If you treat each of these experiences as a separate, freestanding, random event in your life, you will continue to be surprised by them and, eventually, become frustrated. "Why is this happening to me?" will turn into "Why is this happening to me again?"

These are good questions, but when you look outside yourself for the answers, you will not find anything of spiritual value. For example, my wife, Linda, and I once hired a manager to help us. We chose him because he was interested in what we teach, seemed capable and was excited to work with us. A year later, we discovered that he had lost a lot of the Seat of the Soul Institute's money, left it with debts we did not know about and stole a laptop computer when he departed.

Of course, we learned to do a much better job of due diligence from that painful experience—checking references, verifying qualifications, researching previous work experience, etc. It was a lesson that I did not forget, but there was an even more important lesson that I learned from this painful experience.

After feeling shocked (an experience of a frightened part of my personality, which is also a not-loving part of my personality) and blaming him for my emotional pain (also an experience of a frightened part of my personality) and feeling like a victim, I discovered something completely surprising, interesting and humbling: In shame and blame—both of which are very painful to experience, provided that you do not distract yourself with drinking, eating, shopping, sex, smoking, etc.—I saw this person as someone whose intention from the beginning was to get the most for himself from our interactions, and he did.

What I discovered about myself truly jolted me: I had held the same intention toward him! The very same intention. I expected him to relieve me of my responsibilities, expand the institute and bring it revenue, and as long as he did that, I would be satisfied. In other words, my intention was to exploit him just as his intention was to exploit me. I got exactly what I gave. My real intention did not create the benefits for the institute that I had envisioned. It was to obtain as much from him as I could. I intended to exploit, and I created exploitation. It was a big lesson for me to learn. I am so grateful for it because it taught me to look carefully and honestly at my intentions, and showed me how powerfully they create my experiences.

This is how to avoid re-creating painful situations: Take the time to discover your real intention before you act. If it is to change someone or the world so that you will feel safe or better about yourself, don't act on it, because it is an intention of fear and can create only painful consequences. If your real intention is to create harmony instead of discord, cooperation instead of competition, sharing instead of hoarding, and reverence for life instead of exploitation, act on it, because it is an intention of love and can create only healthy and wholesome consequences.

When you do this, you are creating authentic power.

Read more:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Study Finds Isagenix Superior to Leading “Heart Healthy” Diet

Dr. Krista Varady discusses clinical research on Isagenix products.
The highly anticipated results are in—Isagenix products are superior to a leading “heart healthy” dietary plan for weight loss and visceral fat loss. The manuscript has been submitted to two peer-reviewed journals and is still under review; however, you can read more details about the study on our clinical research summary andmarketing flyer.
Krista Varady, Ph.D., the lead investigator of the study, is a prolific researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Applied Sciences with more than 30 peer-reviewed research publications. She has a Ph.D. in nutrition from McGill University—one of the top universities in Canada. Dr. Varady has devoted much of her time to investigating the ability of weight-management strategies to decrease cardiovascular disease risk and is one of the pioneers in research on alternate-day and intermittent fasting.
Dr. Varady’s research was presented in August at the 10th annual Isagenix Celebration in Phoenix. Eager to share the exciting results, Dr. Varady answered questions from Isagenix Chief Science Officer Suk Cho, Ph.D.:
Q: What did you think when you tried Isagenix?
A: I always try things before I make my subjects do it. I used Isagenix for three weeks in January before we began the study. I didn’t want to lose a ton of weight, but I did want to see if I could lose a few pounds with it. The easy of use was great—no dishes at breakfast or lunch; you didn’t even need to have milk at home. I went out and bought a few shake products to compare it to and I’m not sure what you guys do, but the consistency is like a smoothie. The other shakes were clumpy and it made them less appealing.
Q: What else impressed you about Isagenix products?
A: I was impressed by the Cleanse Day and the high-protein IsaLean® Shake. All the ingredients actually seemed wholesome. I had thought the shake would be a high-sugar beverage, but I found it to be really nutritionally complete.
Q: What attracted you to collaborate with Isagenix on research using their products?
A:  The main thing was that Isagenix incorporates fasting while on Cleanse Days. I find that really novel. If you look at other meal-replacement diets, they never really incorporate fasting or cleansing. Usually it is a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch, but they don’t use all the other products Isagenix uses. I like that it is a multifaceted approach. You are also using supplements that may provide metabolic benefit and protect against free radicals—I thought that was really neat too, but the main thing was that there was a Cleanse Day every week because I am really interested in fasting research.
Q: What can you tell us about the study’s results?
A: Our main finding was that weight loss was actually greater in the Isagenix group. On average they lost 3.9 kg, so that works out to be around 9 pounds or so. Obviously, some lost more and some less, but the Isagenix group lost 3 pounds more on average than the other diet. We also saw those changes with fat mass. With Isagenix, we saw slightly greater reductions (although not significant) in fat mass. Neither group lost a significant amount of lean mass, which is great because you want to maintain your muscle mass to keep your metabolic rate higher and that allows you to burn more calories per hour.
Q: What are the results for visceral fat (fat that surrounds the organs)?
A: Even though it wasn’t statistically significant between groups, we found that there was a much greater reduction in visceral fat in the Isagenix group—about twice as much. They lost 0.7 kg, about 2 pounds. I find that amazing—they lost 2 pounds around their organs—that’s a lot!
QWhat other part of this study’s results do you find most exciting or intriguing?
A: What I found most intriguing at first was the adherence of the Isagenix group; they seemed to adhere better because of the convenience factor of the Isagenix system. Also, the Isagenix group lost more weight and more fat (especially visceral fat); and the blood chemistry looked wonderful.
Q: What other personal observations have you made about the Isagenix products and how they affect subjects?
A: Isagenix people just seemed happier. Also, the satiety (or fullness) aspect; people didn’t feel motivated to binge after a shake or cheat on the diet because they really did find those shakes quite filling, so I was pretty impressed with that. That is the main reason that I am even testing out these diets—to find diets that people will actually do and adhere to over the long term. They liked the taste of the shake and just in terms of the easiness too, they said small things like “there were less dishes to wash” and “for breakfast all you really have to do is keep the blender clean, there’s not that much prep involved and it is a portable system.” But those are actually really important things—if a diet is hard to do, people aren’t going to do it for very long. So making it easy, making it easy to clean up after—all those things add up for long term weight loss.
Q: You had some products left over after the study and people asked you for them, right?
A: Yeah, I had 3 boxes left of the shakes and I have never seen women diving in there, fighting with each other. They were all over each other. Those were gone pretty quickly after we opened them up!