Monday, August 22, 2011

Children are overeating, but not eating enough fruits and vegetables. These are the trends that recent studies show are putting our kids’ healthy futures at risk. Getting a child’s diet back on track with nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods (and not the ultra-tempting “junk foods”) can be difficult, as any parent will tell you. Luckily, Isagenix makes encouraging healthy food choices easier.
First, let’s review the stats: a study published in 2010 in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that from 2007 to 2008, about one out of three children and adolescents were considered overweight (BMI at or above the 85th percentile and lower than the 95th percentile for children of the same sex and age), while almost one out of five were nearing obesity (BMI at or above the 95th percentile for children of the same sex and age).
“The prevalence of high BMI in childhood has remained steady for 10 years and has not declined,” wrote Cynthia Ogden, Ph.D., and her colleagues from the National Center for Health Statistics. They also warned, “Children with high BMI often become obese adults, and obese adults are at risk for many chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.”
Another study published in 2010 in The Journal of Nutrition reports that an overwhelming majority of children and adolescents are not meeting any of the dietary guidelines for adequate nutrition. The study examined data from 2001 to 2004 from dietary records for more than 4,700 children and adolescents. The table below summarizes the findings of percentages of boy and girls who did not meet the recommended dietary guidelines for the different food groups:
Sex, Age GroupFruitsVegetablesMilkWhole GrainsMeat and Beans
Males, 9-13 yrs old78.4%96.2%67.5%98.9%52.0%
Females, 9-13 yrs old80.6%94.6%83.8%99.9%76.7%
Males, 14-18 yrs old86.6%97.0%67.7%99.8%51.1%
Females, 14-18 yrs old84.8%98.6%92.2%99.8%75.8%
The numbers speak for themselves: almost all kids are not meeting requirements for a healthy diet. According to the authors of this study, these numbers suggest a strong “need for individual- and environmental-level interventions” to encourage healthier eating habits.
Sneaking Nutrients Into Kids
So what’s a parent to do to get their kids to eat right and stay healthy? No parent wants to force-feed children foods they need. Maybe it’s time to consider sneaking delicious, healthy products in here and there. Why not try some of these examples?
  • Replace sugar-sweetened drinks with Isagenix IsaFruits or Greens!. These two liquid-dissolvable drink powders pack in antioxidants and phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables without the calories.
  • Treat children to Want More Energy?® during or after sport games or outdoor activities. The sports drink makes for an excellent alternative to empty-calorie or artificially flavored drinks for hydrating andreplenishing needed carbohydrates, B vitamins, and electrolytes.
  • Power young, healthy bodies with IsaLean Shakes and Bars. Unlike ice cream shakes or candy bars, these offer children the protein and nutrients they need for important stages of growth and development. However, they should be used to supplement, not replace entire meals that should contain healthy portions of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. If a child is overweight or obese, we also recommend parents seek the advice of a doctor familiar with their child’s complete medical history before beginning any weight-loss program. For extra fun, have kids make shakes themselves adding in fruits or vegetables as they prefer. They’ll love it! (Hat tip: Andreja Scanland and Natosha Lank from Facebook)
  • Get kids snacking on SlimCakes and FiberSnacks!Unlike typical snack foods like potato chips or cookies, they provide kids healthy doses of fiber that keeps their little hearts and guts healthy.
  • Give children only the best nutrition with IsaKids EssentialsThese tasty chewables are sweetened with tooth-friendly xylitol (no artificial flavors) and help ensure kids receive vitamins and minerals at recommended levels daily. Start them young (ages 4 and above) so their bodies crave good nutrition.(Hat tip: She-She Killough from Facebook.)
There are also many other Isagenix products that can contribute to a child’s healthy diet. If interested in making positive changes to a child’s diet, parents or guardians can review our complete list of products and the ages appropriate for use, and then be well on the way to keeping kids off the stats lists above and on to a regimen of health and nutrition.

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